Career Opportunities

Invest your talent and skills to address the roots and repercussions of human trafficking.

Stay tuned as exciting opportunities will soon become available. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to grow and expand our team. Please check back regularly for updates on future job postings. 


JusticeMatters is a faith-motivated nonprofit law firm that addresses the roots and repercussions of human trafficking in North Carolina. Founded in 2009, we’ve grown from a volunteer effort into a highly specialized law firm providing free legal services and advancing systems change to both prevent and respond to human trafficking. Since 2011 we’ve been at the forefront of efforts to integrate principles of trauma-informed care in the legal profession, recognizing that the way we provide legal services—not solely the legal results we secure—holds potential to promote the wellbeing of our clients and our workforce. In the last 5 years alone we’ve represented over 1,700 individuals and, centering the voices of our clients and community, we’ve elevated what we’ve learned through advocacy and training to both prevent exploitation and promote better outcomes for all survivors in North Carolina.

Join the JusticeMatters team as we seek the freedom and flourishing of all people.

Who are we…

JusticeMatters is a team that seeks justice, strives for excellence, upholds trauma-informed principles, embraces community, and is anchored in celebration. Our sixteen staff hail from five countries and one territory. Nine of us are biliterate. We bear witness to the courage and resilience of survivors, the sacrifice and grit of caregivers, the expertise and dedication of our collaborative partners, the passion and generosity of our supporters, and our mutual calling to seek justice for the flourishing of our community. We are honored to serve our clients and together call North Carolina home.

JusticeMatters Staff

We seek justice.

We seek justice for our clients through the law. We address injustice in both the content and application of the law, and in systems and institutions that perpetuate oppression. We believe justice requires both righting wrongs and investing our resources to strengthen the fabric of our community.

 We strive for excellence.

We strive for excellence in every facet of our mission and methods. We zealously protect and pursue each client’s interests as they pursue their dreams.

We uphold Trauma-Informed principles.

We believe that the way we provide legal services—not solely the legal results we secure—holds potential to promote restoration. We are characterized by a concern for safety, trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment (voice and choice), and humility regarding cultural, historical, and gender issues.

 We embrace community.

We affirm the inherent dignity, equality, and worth of all people. We cultivate mutual respect and empathy with our clients, staff, and partners. We hold space for disagreement and difference. We center the margins—amplifying voices, elevating experiences, and affirming our interconnectedness. We are honored to provide legal representation to our clients and together call North Carolina home.

We are anchored in celebration.

We pursue hope and joy. We celebrate the strength and resilience in our clients, staff, and partners, and we celebrate every victory achieved as we seek justice together.

Foundation Statement

Our foundation is the triune God – Father, Son (Jesus), and Spirit – who as Creator is the bedrock for justice and the equality of all people, as Redeemer suffered the ultimate injustice to reconcile us to God and to each other, and as Restorer is the foundation for flourishing, the source of hope and healing.

Problem Statement

Immigrants without permanent legal status in the United States, children without the legal security of an adult committed to their care, and survivors of trauma are at higher risk of human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Legal status and legal security are foundational protections against these injustices, creating opportunities for clients to heal, flourish, and pursue their dreams.